Calming Series - Therapy Landscape

"Working with landscape as a focal point in my paintings, has led me to explore the effects that happen in the viewer when they look at my artwork. I found that a certain series of paintings had a very calming effect that made viewers feel at ease.

After working on an art installation project that would benefit from having a calming atmosphere, I decided to dive into the more scientific research about what made these paintings calming. In this search I found studies on the physiologically and mentally effects of colour and landscape art, but also learned about the effects of shapes, compositions and depth. I also found many cases where art was used as a healing agent in the interior. This has led to the concept of therapy landscape which I will continue to explore in the future with the hope to create a reflective and calming space for the the viewer"

-Iben Soffy



"Night fall", 100 x 120 cm, acrylic and dry pastel on canvas.

Inquiry via contact.


"Lush Land", 120 x 160 cm, Acrylic on canvas


 "High Tide", 40 x 60 cm, acrylic and dry pastel on canvas

Inquiry via contact.


"Sky Waves", 40 x 60 cm, acrylics and dry pastel on canvas

Inquiry via contact.


"Into the Blue", 120 x 160 cm, acrylics and laquer on canvas

Part of a permanent art installation made for Aalborg Jordemodercenter (Midwife Center)


"We are Nature", 60 x 80 cm, acrylics and laquer on canvas

Part of a permanent art installation made for Aalborg Jordemodercenter (Midwife Center)